Monthly Archives: December 2005

A to Z of me

A – Accent: I am Punjabi by birth but not by mannerisms and appearance,I have a neutral…umm maybe somewhat American accent, blame it on my friends…

B – Breakfast Item: Some toasts and a hot cup of Milo, though I take some Chocos for a change

C – Chore you hate: All of them…

D – Dad’s Name: R. K…not giving away my surname

E – Essential everyday item: Computer, Music, newspapers, Must have them all.

F – Flavour ice cream: raspberry…any day,any season

G – Gold or Silver? Silver. I wear only silver…had a gold “KADA” but don’t wear it anymore….gold I think is feminine

H – Home town: Born in New Delhi and have lived here all my life.

I – Insomnia: NO, I sleep like a polar bear.

J – Job Title: Boss

K – Kids: hey, I am just 22 and single……

L – Living arrangements: 1 house, parents 2 siblings…a guitar and my cars.

M – Mom’s birthplace: Delhi.

N – Number of significant others you’ve ever had: 4 …I always hurt my knees when I fall in love

O – Overnight hospital stays: Lots…too many!

P – Phobia: Heights, deep water,

Q – Queer?: Who Me?

R – Religious Affiliation: Hindu

S – Siblings: 2

T – Time you wake up: anytime between 6-7:30.

U – Unnatural hair colours you’ve worn: I had white streaks once…buts that not an unnatural colour?.

V – Vegetable you refuse to eat: Eggplants…bleah.

W – Worst habit: Don’t think before I speak, I have to get my tongue stuck on the ice pole!

X – X-rays you’ve had: My entire body glows in the dark.

Y – Yummy: lasagna, Cameroon Diaz, chocolates,kirsten dunst….and other lovely chicks

Z – Zodiac sign: Virgo


Dont Rest In Peace

Ouch! I think he is doing double backflips in his grave! , Anybody else would have skipped a beat…but fortunately or unfortunately his heart stopped beating long ago!!!


Secret Santa

The formerly confidential, non-federally sanctioned, non Supreme Court approved, covert ops Secret Santa Program, Which the expert Crypto people at the NSA were keeping secret, is finally out.

And since our cover has been blown by some cheesy white house aide I am going to cash in this opportunity and write a memoir about my days in an ultra secret organization, whose existence the government still denies. I am going to earn mega millions but for you – my faithful readers – I am going to give you the top-secret project that was assigned to me, and the result of my labors.

So here goes my “holiday season”…(the war against Christmas is not over). Gift for of Jamie’s mindless blather. Now Jamie is an incredibly funny individual, its hard to keep a straight face when you are going through her blog, she can find humor in almost all situations and has overcome personal challenges to remain the Light in the dark for all of her readers…me included.
Jamie belongs to a Family of bloggers, they are a bunch of incredible people so wonderful that I am requesting Jamie to adopt me……..please!!.
Her wonderful family reminds me of the old saying “a family that blogs together stays together”…….err…..its not an old saying is it?
Anyways here’s my gift for Jamie and her family this is something I wrote…I worked hard at it lets hope Jamie and her Bunch like it.
I would also request everyone to post their wishes for Jamie in the comments o this post…did I forget to say it?
A merry Christmas Jamie…and to all of you reading this.
Now will we please get together and sing ……..1………….2…………3

Jamie’s Merry Christmas
(sung to the tune of Rudolf the red nosed reindeer)

Jamie dawn’s mindless blather
She has a very funny bone
And if you ever read her blog
You would laugh off your clothes!

All of the other bloggers
Used to laugh and call her great!
Jamie never let any readers
Keep a sad look on their face.

Then One foggy Christmas Eve
Johnny Depp called to say
Jamie with your mindless blather
Will you be my date today?

Jamie said even though I love you
Your date I would love to be
But I’ll spend Christmas with those I love the most
And that would be my family!

do not forget to wish her a merry christmas….drop your wishes in the comments


I have Been Gifted

The merry season is here and people like Paul make it all the merrier. He is my Secret Santa and today I received my Gifts. A set of lovely calligraphy pens and a lesson in Spanish. Thanks a ton Paul you have really really brightened up my day…
I have to thank Michael as well. He is a wonderful Person; I hope someday will be able to meet him and give him a warm hug for being one of those bright sparks lighting up this earth. It was his idea to spread the warmth and love around and look how much happiness its bringing….I am playing Secret Santa for Jamie Dawn and her Gift is being posted right above this post.
I have to thank Paul once again for his kind act…I loved those beautiful pens and now I am going to sign all my digital creations, and as for that lesson in Español…I sure hope we run into each other on some beutiful mexican beach and I can tell you in person…. Muchas Gracias Señor.

Wishing you a merry christmas….pradster



i have stolen this game from Michael’s Blog and thought that i should try this in here too..

To play all you have to do is to post a COMPLETELY FICTIONAL story of YOU and ME. it can be anything you want BAD or GOOD but keep it can post your stories in the comments , go ahead and make one up even if you dont know me….and When you’re finished, post this paragraph on your blog and be surprised (or mortified) about what people DON’T ACTUALLY remember about you.


who? Me?

I decided to walk to work today, not a mean task considering the fact that my office is barely a kilometer away from my home. This individual in an octavia, who I thought was going to ask for direction, intercepted me. He didn’t want directions but instead asked me my height. I was somewhere between shock and amusement….i smelled a rat and wondered aloud “why?” but on he insisted and I eventually gave him my height ( which I instantly realized was a stupid thing to do). The unwilling conversation dragged on, he asked for my background and residence and each question met with a “why?”. I was in no mood for jokes and Delhi is as it is full of jerks. As I was about to walk off it tuned out the man was a model coordinator who wanted me to model for him…
And I imagined myself as a model for a fraction of second………………………..
No no no , I don’t fit in as a model, I work out, have brawn but also a slight tummy, I am not photogenic and defiantly not comfortable prancing around for the benefit of others.
I dress well, but only for myself….i love attention but I have my own means of getting it.
And certainly being the next zoolander does not feature on my to do list.
I tuned him down, “sorry, I don’t think I want to model” as I walked on It occurred to me “maybe I should have taken his number”. …What if? But then I think…NAH! I would rather be a Rock star. And walk on humming “god gave me everything ….by Mick jagger.


okay ppl here is the tentative schedule for the DBM on the 18th. suggestions and improvements are always welcome and appreciated.So, we meet up at Humayuns tomb at 11am that gives us ample opportunity to bask in the winter sun. After the initial round of introductions ( we have nothing against squares,triangles and other assorted geometric figures) we shall proccede to our photography show/tell/teach thingy ahich will be (hopefully) followed by a cricket/football match….this match can also act as a photo subject for some who are more inclined to photography and do not want to dirty thier clothes with cricket/shriket…football/shhotball.ah…the games will be followd by lunch….which we can all go and eat at some joint or we can order takeaways and have a picnic in the sun……!!!with time and consensus some gaana bajaana will be appreciated….loads of fun expected…but only if you are there.oh and you need not be a blogger to be there (MSM spys are welcome too…..we are armed this time…lol) so you can bring along your freinds, brothers,sisters,aunties,uncles ….whatever….be there!!

We’ll Tear Ourselves

Say you were a Cranky Despot who wanted mass protests (in all weird ways), rioting, looting, arson and other assorted social disturbances to come to your country/city for a week and then disappear like they came (Whoosh!) what would you do?

: Organize a WTO meeting:

There is something about them, these left leaning, anti-globalization, anti-rich, anti everything, pro “cause” protestors…they seem to be everywhere. After causing havoc in Cancun, Seattle and other assorted meeting places of the anti-poor, anti-third world anti-everything capitalist they have unleashed themselves in Hong Kong, here are their antics.  

We’ll Tear Ourselves

Say you were a Cranky Despot who wanted mass protests (in all weird ways), rioting, looting, arson and other assorted social disturbances to come to your country/city for a week and then disappear like they came (Whoosh!) what would you do?

: Organize a WTO meeting:

There is something about them, these left leaning, anti-globalization, anti-rich, anti everything, pro “cause” protestors…they seem to be everywhere. After causing havoc in Cancun, Seattle and other assorted meeting places of the anti-poor, anti-third world anti-everything capitalist they have unleashed themselves in Hong Kong, here are their antics.  

What a Welcome!!

someone shows us the proper way to welcome the friggin winter….